Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How2 Deal with Diarrhea

Some simple home remedy to deal and relieve Diarrhea:
  • Eat Rice Konjee for meals. Cook brown rice in water for about 45 minutes. Once cooked, strain the mixture. Have the rice and drink the water in which the rice has been cooked.
  • Eat a banana along with curd.
  • Drink lots of fluids - water, carrot juice, to avoid dehydration. Pedialyte solution is very good to replace the hydrolytes.
  • Avoid taking caffeine and alcohol.
  • Drink ginger tea or ginger ale.
  • Drinking starchy liquids such as arrowroot water, barley water, rice gruel and coconut water are highly beneficial in treating diarrhea.
  • Take ½ tsp lemon juice, ½ tsp ginger juice and 1/4 tsp pepper powder. Take this mixture twice a day.
  • Take 1/2 tsp of fenugreek seeds and add 1/2 tsp of roasted cumin seeds. Add 4 tsp of yogurt (curd) to it. Have this mixture three times a day.
  • Add 4 tablespoons of honey to 8 ounces of water. Have this mixture as it is helpful in treating diarrhea.
  • Take fennel and white cumin seeds in equal amounts. Roast this mixture and take this in a dose of 3 grams with water. Have this in a span of three hours.
  • Have 1 tsp dry Amla powder (Indian gooseberry) two times a day.

1 comment:

- Sal Ferns said...

I read a fantastic article on Yahoo Women's Health on the topic of poos and want to share it with all.

It's very enlightening - a must read. I knew a bit about poos from Dr.Oz on TV, but this covers a lot more and in simple understandable vocab. I like the writer's style especially for such a stinky - er.. I mean sticky subject.