Monday, July 19, 2010

How2 Remove Carpet Stains

Basic home remedies for most Carpet Stains

Water:- When the stain is new, pour a little water on the area and blot it up with a clean white cotton cloth or tissues. Don't rub, just gently soak up the water and stain. Add water and repeat.
Spoon: Peanut butter, pudding and other soft solids should be scraped out and and lifted gently with a spoon, to remove as much as possible before you add water or other cleaning solvents.
Quick Dry: After cleaning/blotting the stain, dry the area fast using a blow dryer / fan to blow air across the spot until it is dry to the touch.

For tougher stains, you may want to use something more than water.
Dish Washing Detergent - For greasy food stains, just put a few drops in a cup of cold water and mix it gently. Use this solvent instead of plain water to blot out the stain.
Do not use laundry detergent, automatic dish washing detergent, or dish soap with lanolin or bleach in it. Doing so could cause damage to your carpet.
Avoid rubbing the stains.

Rubbing Alcohol - Ink stains can be taken out of carpet using 90% or 70% alcohol (if that's what you have available). Put a little on a white cotton cloth and then dab the stain carefully, so you don't spread it. Blot the area carefully with tissues, and don't rub it! Repeat until you get the stain out or until you get no more transfer to the cloth or tissues.

Steam cleaning - Use a steam cleaning vaccuum to get out many stains you could never remove easily.

Vinegar - You can also use vinegar & water solution. Pour one part white vinegar with two parts cold water into a spray bottle, seal and shake. Remember to test the solution on an inconspicuous part of your carpet to verify that the vinegar doesn't discolor your carpet. Dry well.

To remove Blood Stains 
Act fast!
Use solution of cold water and dish washing detergent as shown above
Club soda can also be used as a solvent instead
Dry it up quickly

To Remove Chewing Gum From Carpet
To remove chewing gum from carpet, get out your electric hair dryer. Heat the gum, being careful not to melt the carpet fibers. Use a piece of plastic wrap or a plastic bag to lift the softened gum away. Just allow it to stick to the plastic, then pull it up. This may get most of it.
You can also use ice cubes on the gum as it hardens and freezes the gum so its easy to pick out. Dry with hair dryer.

To Remove Coffee stains
Try white vinegar and water solution as shown above. Dry the carpet well when you are done.

See also:  How2 care for your carpet
               How2 remove car stains

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