Cleaning stains on carpets or upholstery:
Try water first, using a clean white cloth to blot it up and to see if the stain is coming out. Then move on to the other possible cleaning solutions.
To begin with, if a spill just occurred, soak up the excess with a napkin or cloth as quickly as possible. Coffee spills that are immediately soaked up and then repeatedly flushed with water that is blotted up, may not leave a stain. Use cool water. If there still is a stain, start with the next step.
Glass Cleaner For Car Stains
Some people have had luck using glass cleaner to lift stains of all sorts from car carpet and upholstery. Spray the stain, let it sit for six or seven minutes, and blot it up. Glass cleaner doesn't leave a soapy residue to attract more dirt, as some cleaners do. But it is a good idea to do a final rinse with water.
Other Car Stain Cleaners
Grease and tar stains on car carpeting can sometimes be removed with paint thinner. Test it first on an inconspicuous are to see if it is going to remove the color from the carpet. Then rub on the thinner with a clean cotton cloth, cover the stain with salt until it soaks up the grease, and then vacuum.
Most stains on vinyl seats can be cleaned with dish washing detergent and water. Try not to use oil-based cleaners as they can cause vinyl to harden.
Blood stains should be quickly cleaned with cold water (never hot), but carefully, so as not to spread the stain. If this isn't sufficient, try a solution of a few drops of dish detergent in a cup of cold water. Work it into the blood, but be careful not to spread the stain or rub too hard, because damaged fibers hold stains. Repeat this as many times as necessary until there's no more transfer of the stain from the carpet to the cloth or paper towels. Blot up excess water when you are done.
Vomit stains are very acidic, and should be quickly diluted with club soda or a mixture of baking soda and water. If nothing else is available, water alone can be repeatedly applied and blotted up.
Ink stains often come out with rubbing alcohol (90% isopropyl alcohol, or 70% if that's what's available). But don't pour rubbing alcohol on your carpet or upholstery. Put it on a clean white cotton cloth and dab the stain carefully, so you don't spread the stain. After a few minutes blot carefully (don't rub!), or suck it out using a shop-vac. Repeat the process until you see no more transfer to a cloth. It may not be possible to remove the stain completely.
Cleaning tips:
- Vacuum regularly. Dirt on the car floor gets ground into the carpet fibers every time you get into the car, wearing it out.
Always use foot mats as you can remove them to wash and dry well regularly.
Use a air deodoriser to keep the interiors smelling fresh always.
Use soft flannel to dust off interiors e.g. dashboard, etc
Must keeps in the car/glove box: In terms of cleaning materials - Box of tissues, Wet wipes, flannel cloth, air deodoriser, plastic bags to keep rubbish while on the go.
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